

Friday, May 13, 2016

Project Blue Beam


By Serge Monast
Originally Published 1994

[Note: Serge Monast [1945 – December 5, 1996] and another journalist, 
both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of “heart attacks within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalist was visiting Ireland. Prior to his death, the Canadian government abducted Serge’s daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never returned. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death induced by Project Blue Beam.]

[Update from Ken Adachi: February 17, 2009: I’m only begininng to now fully grasp the entire breath of Serge Monast’s contributions to humanity and the unbelieveable courage he demonstrated in coming out with these incredible revelations which were secretly or anonymously given to him by contrite politicians, military people, or intelligence people who still possessed a conscience and a sense of humanity.
A required companion piece to this article is an astoundingly accurate prophetic discourse presented by Serge in 1994 to the Canadian Free Press of Quebec, Canada. The plannned NASA/Illuminati script that Serge revealed in that 1994 talk could be taken directly from today’s headline news. The transcript of that talk is found here: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/sergemonast1994transcript.shtml
(ca. Dec 1996)
from: http://www.despatch.cth.com.au/Despatch/vol91_Concern.html 
A member of our accountability structure, Dorothy Dart, reports that a Canadian investigator into New Age globalism, SERGE MONAST, has died of a “heart attack.” This man has faithfully exposed the New World Order for the last decade. His children were home-schooled, so the authorities took his eight year old daughter away, then his seven year old son was taken, as they said the parents were abusing them emotionally by stopping the children going to a State school. The father was then arrested, and spent the night in jail. Next day at home, he had a “heart attack.” He was 46 years old. This brave man has left a wife, who now has no family. Pray that she can get her little ones back. Our source said that the Canadian investigator, Serge Monast, wrote to her in Australia not long ago, saying he had been threatened many times, and did not except to survive.]

NASA’s Project Blue Beam
By Serge Monast (1994)

The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. I’ll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now.
Engineered Earthquakes & Hoaxed ‘Discoveries’
The first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns the breakdown [re-evaluation] of all archaeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up, with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet, of supposedly new discoveries which will finally explain to all people the “error” of all fundamental religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted. Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with the film, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey;’ the StarTrek series, and ‘Independence Day;’ all of which deal with invasions from space and the coming together of all nations to repel the invaders. The last films, ‘Jurrassic Park,’ deals with the theories of evolution, and claim God’s words are lies. http://i.am/jah/evolut.htm

Hoaxed “Discoveries’ 
What is important to understand in the first step is that those earthquakes will hit at different parts of the world where scientific and archaeological teachings have indicated that arcane mysteries have been buried. By those types of earthquakes, it will be possible for scientists to rediscover those arcane mysteries which will be used to discredit all fundamental religious doctrines. This is the first preparation for the plan for humanity because what they want to do is destroy the beliefs of all Christians and Muslims on the planet. To do that, they need some false ‘proof’ from the far past that will prove to all nations that their religions have all been misinterpreted and misunderstood.

The Big Space Show in the Sky
The second step in the NASA Blue Beam Project involves a gigantic ‘space show’ with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith. This new ‘god’s’ voice will be speaking in all languages. In order to understand that, we must study various secret services’ research done in the last 25 years. The Soviet’s have perfected an advanced computer, even exported them, and fed them with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electromechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain. These computers were fed, as well, with the languages of all human cultures and their meanings. The dialects of all cultures have been fed into the computers from satellite transmissions. The Soviets began to feed the computers with objective programs like the ones of the new messiah. It also seems that the Soviets – the new world order people – have resorted to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating electronic wavelengths for every person and every society and culture to induce suicidal thoughts if the person doesn’t comply with the dictates of the new world order.

There are two different aspects of step two.
The first is the ‘space show.’ Where does the space show come from? The space show, the holographic images will be used in a simulation of the ending during which all nations will be shown scenes that will be the fulfillment of that which they desire to verify the prophecies and adversary events.
These will be projected from satellites onto the sodium layer about 60 miles above the earth. We see tests every once in a while, but they are called UFOs and “flying saucers” sightings.
The result of these deliberately staged events will be to show the world the new ‘christ,’ the new messiah, Matraia (Maitreya), for the immediate implementation of the new world religion. Enough truth will be foisted upon an unsuspecting world to hook them into the lie. “Even the most learned will be deceived.”
The project has perfected the ability for some device [referred to as “tractor beams” by ufologists].to lift up an enormous number of people, as in a Rapture, and whisk the entire group into a never-never land We see tests of this device in the abduction of humans by those mysterious little alien greys who snatch people out of their beds and through windows into waiting “mother ships.” The calculated resistance to the universal religion and the new messiah and the ensuing holy wars will result in the loss of human life on a scale never imagined before in all of human history.
The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old, as major an event as that which occurred 2,000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the skies as a movie screen (on the sodium layer at about 60 miles) as space-based laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect according to the region. It deals with the religious aspect of the new world order and is deception and seduction on a massive scale.
Computers will coordinate the satellites and software already in place will run the sky show. Holographic images are based on nearly identical signals combining to produce an image or hologram with deep perspective which is equally applicable to acoustic ELF, VLF and LF waves and optical phenomena. Specifically, the show will consist of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to the specific national, regional religion. Not a single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sounds appearing to emanate from the very depths of space, astonished ardent followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiahs in convincing lifelike reality.
Then the projections of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into one after correct explanations of the mysteries and revelations will have been disclosed. This one god will, in fact, be the Antichrist, who will explain that the various scriptures have been misunderstood and misinterpreted, and that the religions of old are responsible for turning brother against brother, and nation against nation, therefore old religions must be abolished to make way for the new age new world religion, representing the one god Antichrist they see before them.
Naturally, this superbly staged falsification will result in dissolved social and religious disorder on a grand scale, each nation blaming the other for the deception,setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before. In addition, this event will occur at a time of profound worldwide political anarchy and general tumult created by some worldwide catastrophe. The United Nation even now plans to use Beethovan’s ‘Song of Joy’ as the anthem for the introduction for the new age one world religion. If we put this space show in parallel with the star wars program we get this: combination of electromagnetic radiation and hypnosis which have also been the subject of intensive research. In 1974, for instance, researcher G. F. Shapits, said of one of the research proposals that, ‘…in this investigation it will be shown that the spoken words of the hypnotist may also be converted by electromagnetic energy directly and to the subconscious part of the human brain without employing any mechanical device for receiving or transcording the message, and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously. It may be expected that the rationalized behavior will be considered to have been taken out of their own free will.’
Anyone investigating so-called ‘channelling’ phenomena right now would be wise to take this area of research into consideration. It will be noted that those who think of themselves as ‘channellers’ has escalated rapidly since this type of research was conducted. It is uncanny how similar their messages are, despite which entity they claim to be their source of divine guidance. It would suggest any individual considering the credibility of channelled information should be discerning and critically evaluate where the message they are receiving originates, and if the messages are specifically beneficial to the new world order.
The Sydney Morning newspaper published an item on March 21st, 1983 which announced that the Soviets were invading the human mind, the article having been submitted to the foreign editor by Doctor Nathan Abnuengy, assistant professor in the faculty of agriculture in Asia. It is worth quoting the article at length even though his grammar is a little old. This article relates to the Soviets who created the supercomputer we were discussing earlier and which is really important because these types of computers can be run through satellites and through space. The computers were fed with all the different languages and their meanings, the dialect of all peoples were fed to the computers with objective programs. But we are no longer talking about the Soviets; we are talking about the United Nations, the minions of the new world order, who are feeding the computers with the necessary information.
The editor of the column in which the article appeared even states that the piece made points too important to ignore. I think it is possible that the persons who have created this mega-mind-control-program could sell the software to an organization and not be aware that the client might use the program and data to enslave all of humankind. Just imagine how far they have advanced since that article was published!
Artificial Thought & Communication
The advancement of techniques propel us toward the third step in the Blue Beam Project that goes along with the telepathic and electronically augmented two-way communication where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach each person from within his or her own mind, convincing each of them that their own god is speaking to them from the very depths of their own soul. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought.

That kind of technology goes into the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s research where the human brain has been compared to a computer. Information is fed in, processed, integrated and then a response is formulated and acted upon. Mind controllers manipulate information the same way a computer for grammar manipulates information. In January 1991, the University of Arizona hosted a conference entitled, ‘The NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Current and Emergent Phenomena and Biomolecular Systems.’ What does that mean exactly? It means this: We refer to one paper that was delivered at the conference which stands out for its different attitude towards the development under discussion at that time. It was, in effect, a protest and chilling warning to the attending scientists about the potential abuse of their research findings.
Their findings, of course, stated that the United States has already developed communications equipment which can make the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk. It can relieve the terminally ill from pain without the use of drugs or surgery. I’m not talking about science fiction. A man might retain the use of all his faculties right up to the moment of his death. This communications equipment depends upon a completely new way of looking at the human brain and neuromuscular systems and radiation pulses at ultra-low frequencies. Some of this equipment is now operational within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It will never be used to make the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk because it is central to the domestic political agenda and foreign policy of George Bush and his puppet-masters of the new world order.
Domestically, the new communications equipment is being used to torture and murder persons who match profiles imagined to be able to screen a given population for terrorists; to torture and murder citizens who belong to organizations which promote tolerance and peace and development in Central America; to torture and murder citizens who belong to organizations who oppose the development and deployment of nuclear weapons, and to create a race of slave cult automatons, or what is popularly called ‘the Manchurian Candidates.’ Overseas experimentation is taking place on hostages held by the United States and Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Finland and France. Additionally, there has been a long series of bizarre suicides among British computer scientists, all of whom have had some connection to the United States Navy.
What is possible to ask before such a psychology of terror is this: would any government, corporation or psychiatrist wilfully promote such horror today? The answer is quite obviously, ‘Yes.’
Government agencies and the corporations that work with them toward a new world order are prepared to promote anything that will help them achieve their objective of total social control. As for the question of why: For one thing, if you terrify the public and make them fear for their safety, they will allow you to implement draconian law enforcement practice, disarm them and keep extensive records on them, and they only have to tell you that it is all to protect you, of course. Secondly, it promotes the decay of the present democratic forms of political systems, and leads societies to search for alternative methods of political ideology. Of course, the alternative has already been planned. It is called the New World Order and it will not have your safety or interests at heart. As George Bush said: ‘Read my lips.’ Fear has always been used by powerful elite to control and subjugate the masses.
The old maxim, ‘divide and conquer’, is being played out to the limit worldwide to ensure that everyone is frightened for their personal safety, and to be suspicious of everyone else. This, too, is mind-control. To go further in regard to the new technology which is at the base of the NASA Blue Beam Project, we have to consider this statement by psychologist James V. McConnell which was published in a 1970s issue of Psychology Today. He said, ‘The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with drug hypnosis and astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual’s behavior. It should then be possible to achieve a very rapid and highly effective type of positive brainwashing that would allow us to make dramatic changes in a person’s behavior and personality.’
Now, when we talked before about that kind of ray and the telepathic and electronically augmented communication, the kind of rays that are fed from the memories of computers which store massive data about humans, human language and dialects, and we said that the people will be reached from within, making each person to believe that his own god is speaking directly from within his or her own soul, we refer to that kind of technology and that kind of thinking that same psychologist was espousing, that is: we should be trained from birth that we should all do what society wants us to do rather than what we want to do for ourselves; that because they have the technology to do it, no one should now be allowed to have their own individual personality. This statement and these ideas are important because it is the basic teaching of the United Nations that no one owns his or her own personality. And that same psychologist claims that no one has any say-so about the kind of personality they acquire and there is no reason to believe you have the right to refuse to acquire a new personality if your old personality is considered ‘antisocial.’
What is important in this declaration is that the new world order will be set up over the current system, meaning the old way of thinking and behavior and religion will be considered the ‘old’ and incorrect way of thinking and that they can change it at one of the eradication camps of the United Nations to make sure that anyone with this ‘antisocial’ behavior will be disposed of quickly so that other modified individuals will be able to fulfill the needs and agendas of the new world order without being distracted by the truth.
Could this be the greatest mind control project ever?
The NASA Blue Beam Project is the prime directive for the new world order’s absolute control over the populations of the entire earth. I would suggest you investigate this information carefully before dismissing it as fanatic lunacy. If we go further in the different reports we have presented, we find that the mind-control operations and technology include a transmitter that broadcasts at the same frequency as the human nervous-system, which transmitter is manufactured by the Loral Electro-Optical System in Pasadena, California. Loral, a major defense contractor, has previously conducted research on directed energy weapons for Lt. Gen. Leonard Perez of the U. S. Air Force who was searching for a weapon that could implant messages into the minds of the enemy while urging his own troops on to superhuman deeds of valor! The device employs electromagnetic radiation of gigahertz frequencies [microwaves] pulsed at extremely low frequencies (ELF). It is used to torture people both physically and mentally from a distance.
Weapons of this type are thought to have been used against a British woman protesting the presence of American Cruise Missiles at Greenham Common Airbase during the 1970s. This weapon can be used to induce total sensory deprivation by broadcasting signals into the auditory nerve at such high power that it blocks the ability of the individual to hear themselves think!
The process employed by such ELF technology are described in various U. S. Defense Department publications, including one entitled, ‘ The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Low Intensity Conflict,‘ by Captain Paul E. Tyler, Medical Commandant, U. S. Navy, which is included in a collection entitled, ‘Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology Edict,’ by Lt. Col David G. Dean, USAF. The paper was delivered in 1984 and the collection published 1986 by Air University Press, Maxwell Airforce Base, Alabama. Another pulse microwave device can deliver audible signals directly to an individual while remaining undetectable to anyone else. The technology is very simple and can be built by using an ordinary police radar gun. The microwave beam generated by the device is modulated at audio frequencies and can broadcast messages directly into the brain. Now here we come to the NASA Blue Beam Project. The broadcasting of subliminal two-way communication and images from the depths of space correspond directly to that kind of technology.
In his book, ‘The Body Electric,’ Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Robert O. Becker describes a series of experiments conducted in the early 1960s by Allen Frie where this phenomena was demonstrated as well as later experiments conducted in 1973 at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp who personally underwent tests in which he proved he could hear and understand messages delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulsed microwave audiogram which is an analog of the word’s sound vibration beamed into his brain. Becker then goes on to state, ‘Such a device has obvious application for covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with unknown voices or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.”
Now figure out when we hear that voice from the new world messiah who would be speaking from space to all of the sane (?) people of the earth who might give instructions to zealots and religious fanatics, we would see hysteria and social mayhem on a scale never witnessed before on this planet. No police forces in the world, even as a combined front, could deal with the disorder that will follow! A 1978 book entitled, ‘Microwave Auditory Effect and Application,’ by James C. Lynn describes how audible voices can be broadcast directly into the brain. This technology could actually allow the blind to see and the deaf to hear. Instead, it has been turned into a weapon to enslave the world.
Allen Frie also reports that he could speed up, slow down or stop the hearts of isolated frogs by synchronizing the pulsed rate of a microwave beam with the heart itself. According to Dr. Robert Becker, similar results have been obtained using live frogs, which shows that it is technically feasible to produce heart attacks with rays designed to penetrate the human chest.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: Both the author of this report and his colleague died of ‘heart attacks’ only days apart. I should mention also that Dr. Becker does NOT participate in such research.]
It has been demonstrated that focused ultra high frequency UHF electromagnetic energy beams can be used to induce considerable agitation and muscular activity or induce muscular weakness and lethargy. Microwaves can also be used to burn human skin and aid the effect of drugs, bacteria and poisons or affect the function of the entire brain. These effects were all revealed at length by the CIA on September 21, 1977 in testimony before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research. Dr. Sidney Gottlieb who directed the MK-Ultra program at that time was forced to discuss the scope of the CIA’s research to find techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means. So this is something that exists right now, that has been pursued to its highest degree, that can be used from space to reach any person, anyplace on the face of the earth.
If we go deeper in that process of mind control over the people we find that the equipment and technology has been used to influence politics in a much more direct fashion. Michael Dukakis, the Democrat candidate running against George Bush in the 1988 election was targeted with microwave technology in order to impede his public speaking performance once the public opinion polls showed he posed a serious threat to Bush’s election prospects. He also claims that the equipment was used against Kitty Dukakis and drove her to the brink of suicide. In the Disneyland world of U. S. politics, a presidential candidate with problems such as these, would obviously lose their race to the White House. In the December 1980 edition of the U. S. Army Journal, called the Military Review, a column by Lt. Col John B. Alexander, entitled, ‘The New Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up, Spock,’ provides further insight into the technical capabilities at the disposal of the comptroller. He writes:
“Several examples will demonstrate areas in which progress have been made. The transference of energy from one organism to another; the ability to heal or cause disease to be transmitted over a distance, thus inducing illness or death from no apparent cause; telepathic behavior modification which includes the ability to induce hypnotic states up to a distance of 1,000 kilometers have been reported.
The use of telepathic hypnosis also holds great potential. This capability could allow agents to be deeply planted with no conscious knowledge of their programming. In movie terms, the Manchurian Candidate lives, and does not even require a telephone call. ‘Other mind-to-mind induction techniques are being considered. If perfected this capability could allow the direct transference of thought via telepathy from one mind or group of minds to a select target audience. The unique factor is that the recipient will not be aware that thought has been implanted from an external source. He or she will believe the thoughts are original.”
This is exactly what we were talking about.
The third step in the NASA Blue Beam Project is called the Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication. Lt. Col John Alexander’s article continues:
“If it is possible to feed artificial thought into the multigenic field via satellite, the mind control of the entire planet is now possible. An individual’s only resistance would be to constantly question the motivation behind their thoughts and not act upon thoughts which they consider to be outside their own ideological, religious and moral boundaries.'”
Once again, it is wise to consider how television, advertising, modern education and various types of social pressure are used to manipulate those boundaries. It has been reported by Lt. Col Alexander who said, in the summary of his Military Review article,
‘The information on those kinds of technologies presented here would be considered by some to be ridiculous since it does not conform to their view of reality. But some people still believe the world is flat.’
Now, this means a lot, because if people do not believe this kind of technology is possible, or that it is science fiction, those people put themselves in great jeopardy, because on the night when those thousand stars will shine from space, during the night when the new messiah will be presented to the world, they will not be prepared and will have no time to prepare to save themselves against that kind of technology. They don’t believe and they won’t take time to prepare.
(This is exactly what happens to people who are convinced by Satan into believing that he doesn’t exist, so they have no defence against him. – JAH.)
Universal Supernatural Manifestations via Electronics
The fourth step concerns the universal supernatural manifestation with electronic means. It contains three different orientations.

One is to make mankind believe that an alien (off-world) invasion is about to occur at every major city on earth in order to provoke each major nation to use its nuclear weapons in order to strike back. This way, the United Nations Court will require that all those nations which launched nuclear weapons to disarm when the invasion is shown to have been false. And how will the United Nations know that the invasion was false? They will have staged it, of course.
The second is to make the Christians believe that the Rapture is going to occur with the supposed divine intervention of an alien (off-world) civilization coming to rescue earthlings from a savage and merciless demon. Its goal will be to dispose of all significant opposition to the implementation of the New World Order in one major stroke, actually within hours of the beginning of the sky show!
The third orientation in the fourth step is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces. The waves used at that time will allow “supernatural forces” to travel through optical fibers, coaxial cables (TV) electrical and phone lines in order to penetrate to everyone at once through major appliances. Embedded chips will already be in placeThe goal of this deals with global Satanic ghosts projected all around the world in order to push all populations to the edge of hysteria and madness, to drown them into a wave of suicide, murder and permanent psychological disorders. After the Night of the Thousand Stars, worldwide populations will be ready for the new messiah to re-establish order and peace at any cost, even at the cost of abdication of freedom.
Phasing Out Cash & Independence
The techniques used in the fourth step is exactly the same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to accept Communism. The same technique will be used by the United Nations to implement the new world religion and the new world order. A lot of people ask when this is going to happen and how they will accomplish the visions of the Night of a Thousand Stars, and the events that will point to the days when it will begin.

According to the many reports we have received, we believe it will begin with some kind of worldwide economic disaster. Not a complete crash, but enough to allow them to introduce some kind of in-between currency before they introduce their electronic cash to replace all paper or plastic money. The in-between currency will be used to force anyone with savings to spend or turn in their cash because they understand that people who have money and are not dependent upon them might be the very ones who will mount an insurrection against them. If everyone is broke, no one can fund a war of any kind: paper currency will cease to exist. This is one of the first signs.
But to implement the worldwide electronic money system, everyone in the world who might have money in the future, will have to have a way to transfer money electronically. Before that time, everyone will have spent, before the year 2,000, all of their cash, reserves and assets. Everyone has to be 100% dependent upon the Council for their existence. To prevent any kind of independence, the new world order has already implanted micro chips in wild animals, birds, fish, etc. Why? They want to make certain that the people who will not accept the New World Order will not be able to hunt or fish any where in the world. If they try, they will be tracked and traced by satellites, then hunted down and imprisoned or killed.
The new world order is already changing the laws of all nations to make everyone dependent upon a single food and vitamin supply. They are changing laws about religion and psychiatric disorders in order to identify anyone who is potentially threatening to the NWO. Those who are found defective will be sent to eradication camps where their organs will be taken and sold to the highest bidders. Those who are not killed outright will be used as slave labor or used in medical experiments. The goal of a dictatorship is to control everyone, everywhere on the planet, ruthlessly and without exception. That’s why the new technology being introduced everywhere is a technology for the control of the people. The technology of the 1940s and 1950s was used to help the people have an easier and more productive life.
The new technology is designed and built to track down and control people everywhere. This technology is being manufactured for a specific purpose and to refuse to see and recognize that purpose, which is to enslave the entire populations of the world, is to deny the emergence of the Antichrist and the establishment of the new world order religion and government. If you cannot seeif you cannot learnif you cannot understandthen you and your family and friends will succumb to the fires of the crematoria that have been built in every state and every major city on earth, built to deal with you. No one is safe in a totalitarian police state!
Serge Monast

Jesse Valadez And Gypsy Rose

Information Courtesy Of 89.3 KPCC:

 Four years ago, Lowrider Magazine perhaps best captured the legacy of Jesse Valadez, a pioneer of lowrider culture and L.A. car culture in general who died at age 64 on Jan. 29, and was buried Saturday in Whittier.
In 2007 the magazine named Valadez, the owner of the iconic pink 1964 Impala known as "Gypsy Rose" as that year's recipient of its Lifetime Contributor award.
    Some of the greatest works of art haven't always been famous. Take for instance, Vincent Van Gogh, the now-famed artist who only sold one painting in his lifetime, but a century later, is recognized as one of the great artists in history. And just as Van Gogh became a well-respected pioneer of what we know as expressionism, our Lifetime Contributor Honor winner Jesse Valadez has that same influence and impact, except in the artistic discipline of lowriding.
    Jesse's work has become internationally known, and his crowning achievements have pushed lowriding into a culture far beyond what anyone would have expected. And while it took decades to recognize Van Gogh's talents, it only took a few years for Jesse Valdez to be recognized for his.
    Jesse's '64 Chevy Impala, "Gypsy Rose" is best known for its unique floral paint job and vibrant flow, and whether you saw it back in the day out on Whittier Blvd. or in the introduction of the '70s television show Chico And The Man, you know why people used to refer to it as "the world's most famous lowrider."
    Gypsy Rose remains one of the lowrider world's most respected vehicles, and Jesse remains a true diplomat of lowriding and a respected veterano who always lends a helping hand. He's also an upholsterer, businessman and community activist, but more importantly, he's a lowrider who helped establish our culture as a force to reckon with.
Valadez established The Imperials Car Club with his brother in 1965. The original Gypsy Rose was a 1963 Impala painted in similar colors but with a simpler floral design. Even so, "At the time, the paint job was 'way out,' " Lowrider Magazine wrote, "and some were skeptical about the car's style and tone." After the first Impala fell victim to vandalism, Valadez started over with a second Gypsy Rose.
Though Gypsy Rose's fantastic exterior was painted by Walt Prey, Valadez was the visionary behind it, an artist in his own right who was instrumental in elevating the lowrider into a respected art form, one in which the perfect canvas consists of a sleek expanse of vintage Detroit steel.
Valadez and his "way out" vision for a lowrider beat out the skeptics. Gypsy Rose was featured in the 1970s NBC sitcom "Chico and the Man," where lowriders were glimpsed during the opening credits. The car was was exhibited several times, including in 2008 at the Petersen Automotive Museum.
An Associated Press story described Saturday's funeral procession of lowriders, led by Gypsy Rose on a flatbed truck. Valadez, who died of cancer, was buried in a customized casket painted to resemble his famed Impala, the making of which was photographed by Lowrider Magazine contributor Jae Bueno.
Before he died, Valadez bequeathed Gypsy Rose to his son, Jesse Jr.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels (Part Four)

Information Courtesy Of Tribulation Now:

Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels (Part Four)

 Deut 29:29
“The secret things belong to the Lord our God,
but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever“
I’m so grateful to God that He is so merciful and loving.  He didn’t have to allow any of this “matrix-based” quasi-reality to play out.  Frankly he could have ended the age any time He wanted too.  But he didn’t.  And isn’t it wonderful that He doesn’t get upset with us for “wondering” about the possibilities?  I mean, when you think about it, no matter what you believe might be forthcoming, as long as you “do what Jesus commanded” and earnestly seek your redemption through His atonement, perpetually and praisefully focused on the King of Kings and His return, with excitement in your heart, you are certainly “going home”.
Routine Course Correction
I find myself in a regular challenge, to “redirect” people’s good meaning intentions at times.  You see, when information like this is forthcoming, the first thing we do is look to impeach the sources.  Isn’t it fascinating that is precisely what the “enemy” does too?  No matter what Christian pastor you search on, from David Hogan and his utterly awesome healing ministry in Mexico, to Andrew Wommack (arguably the most loving, sincere and spirit filled pastor out there), you can instantly “dig up” alleged dirt on them.  The demons are working feverishly to destroy all credibility associated with anything and everything related to YHWH God, our Heavenly Father, and his awesome “only begotten Son” Jesus Yeshua Messiah.
Even good meaning Pastors are “in the game” of accusations.  How sad.  Instead of finding ways to work together and recognizing we are “at war” with “principalities” of evil, we point fingers at those who are trying to “save souls”.  I wonder how many of these people “pointing fingers” and participating in “smear campaigns are actually saving souls.  I was completely blown away the other day when an email circulated into my inbox with the intention of destroying the credibility of Chuck Missler.  Nobody is perfect.  And what is perfect anyway?  Arent’ we supposed to get “our Holy act together” before we “course correct” anyone else?
In the spirit of keeping our understanding of “God’s playing field” in line with the mandate to “save souls”, now would be a good time to suggest you read the article:
A Little Church on Wednesday Night

Espousing the Esoteric
There is never any harm, espousing the esoteric possibilities, as long as the end result does nothing to “get in the way” of saving our brother’s souls.  However it is a reasonable duty to present such information in the “form of a question” and not necessarily state it as a fact.  The “spirit will witness” if that person is called by God.  And not everyone is coming along.  It’s sad, but it’s true.
When you realize that it’s more than likely most of the churches today are heavily infiltrated and controlled in their doctrinal beliefs, and you take the time to actually READ the scripture yourself, anyone who isn’t sobered by the possibility they may not “make the cut” isn’t paying attention.

    1 Peter 4:18
    “If the righteous one is scarcely saved,

    Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?”


I wonder every day, how “righteous” one has to be to be “counted worthy”.  I am always praying that I am counted worthy.  I am always praying that The Heavenly Father, “deliver me from evil” in Jesus name.  That is a powerful prayer.  No wonder Jesus recommended it.  Think about it.  We are perpetually hammered by demons both day and night.  They shoot “fiery darts” (Eph) into our thoughts constantly.  It’s so important we seek assistance to “escape” those darts as often as possible.  It’s not optional, if you really want to “escape” back to “our first estate”.
And yes I am troubled by some of the belief’s many of these sources may espouse.  But as with questionable prophecies, I simply pray about them and “put them on a shelf”.  If you do a Godly study on humility, it is “in fact” one of the “primary directives” of the scripture.  Humility seems lost in most of “christianity” today.  Indeed most of our churches have “lost their first love”.
Saving Souls of the Utterly Lost
We are currently doing a kind of Jesus filled “case study” of sorts behind the scenes.  And the results are nothing less than remarkable.  Never mind all those that were witnessed too as seen in the comments section of these articles.
Jonathan Kleck, bless his awesome Jesus filled heart, was so excited about these new possibilities that he shared them with his construction crew just yesterday.  They were mesmerized with excitement.  All of them had given up on the “church” because they “felt nothing” and had no idea where to find “Jesus”.  They had “recited” the “words” but walked away confused, lost interest, and fell back into sin.  I wonder how many millions of our brothers are lost because of the inability of our Christian leadership to instill “wonder” and “excitement” into the hearts of those who really want to “go home”, but can’t get their arms around it.
Suffice it to say, after being presented these new and wonderful “tangible” possibilities, reportedly the entire construction crew wanted to “receive Jesus into their heart” and give it another try.  What a huge victory this was for the Kingdom of Yeshua Messiah.  How GLORIOUS is the realization, that we still have a wonderful opportunity to potentially save “millions” of souls for Jesus’ Kingdom.

    James 5:19-20
    Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of (YOUR) sins.(emphasis added)

Wonderful Praiseful Beings by Nature
Angels are wonderful praiseful “Sons of God” by nature.
The other day my son-in-law, Josh, stopped by my office as I was working on an article.  I have been sharing with him these wonderful possibilities all along.  Last Thursday he committed his life to Jesus Christ.  And yes I am reminding him constantly that this is a “real effort” not to be taken lightly.  I have to duty to “shepherd him” and help him focus on his “sanctification process”.  That’s not easy.  I am hoping, through some praise and worship together, the Lord will dump down the Baptism of the Holy Spirit on him like He did me.  He did ask Jesus to Baptise him in the Holy Spirit.  So we are “off to the races” – AMEN.  A little supernatural, goes a “long way”.
And Praise Jesus, I get my “little taste” of the supernatural almost every day.  It’s funny how when you are looking for the “fingerprint of God” in your daily walk how quickly your eyes become “open”.  “Eyes to see and ears to hear”, might not have all that much to do with being a “watchmen”.  Ever think about that?  More and more I believe those words mean “having the open mind of a child with utter humility and expecting a miracle at all times”.  And possibly a whole lot more.
So Josh starts asking questions.  I reminded him of the importance of PRAISE.  I said to him, Josh think about it, suppose we are in fact a “type of angel” or “Sons of God” going through a judgement of sorts.  Angels are all over the Bible giving glory and praise to the Almighty Father.  He appeared a bit confused, so I said to him “Think about this.  What do many people like to do more than anything?”  He looked at me with focused curiosity.  I said, “Josh … FOOTBALL GAMES!”   And his eyes lit up like “stars” in the Heavens.  He immediately realized that we are indeed, praiseful beings by nature.  It “witnessed to his spirit”.
We are fishers of men.
Fishermen don’t bang gongs and scream to catch fish.
They “wisely” bait their hooks
and capture the imagination of the fish.
Can you “imagine” a gathering of like minded believers, filled with the Holy Spirit, shouting in unison and awesome powerful praise …
We Want to Come Home!
We Want to Come Home!
Imagine a large gathering of  ON FIRE spirit filled Christians, having an hint of where they might be going and really wanting it more than anything on this earth.  More than “life itself”.  How utterly powerful that would be for the Heavens above.  How utterly powerful would that be as a witness to the wonders that we have in store for us when we “get off this rock”.

    Isa 51:16
    And I have put My words in your mouth;

    I have covered you with the shadow of My hand,

    That I may plant the heavens,
    Lay the foundations of the earth,
    And say to Zion, ‘You are My people.'”


From Imaginary to Tangible
How fabulously wonderful. What a great opportunity to make all the Angels in Heaven (and maybe even in Arcturus 🙂 praise and shout for joy by bringing yet ONE MORE home!!  No wonder they are so happy when one sinner repents for their sin.  If all this wonderful new insight is not just “imaginary” but is instead real, then doesn’t it make sense?  Think about it.
The Bible now comes ALIVE like never before.
How cool is it that arguably those whom we may have “battled with” in the Orion Wars, are overcome with joy when ONE sinner repents?  AWESOME.  If that doesn’t bring tears to your eyes, even at the possibility this might be true, then I’m admittedly saddened.

    Heb 11:1-2
    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Summary in the Name of  Jesus
I’m still astonished about the whole Arcturus notion. I cried in the shower when God brought to remembrance the Arcturus thing. I was researching this whole deal and suddenly remembered I had read about an unusual group of “beings” in another “starsystem” that “felt sorry for us” and wanted to “help”.
You see, I can’t figure out how to fully communicate, all the supernatural “behind the scenes” confirmations to you.  I so wish I could.  If you had any idea how many times over the last 6 (or more) months I rejected all this as ridiculous, you might begin to see how utterly unreal these articles are for me.  Phone calls at the most unbelievable times, people in tears, books that I had purchased as long as over a year ago suddenly surfacing as valuable, me pushing back in “unbelief” and then getting “pulled right back” by some other “coincidence”.
There are two HUGE “fingerprints of God” in the movie Kung Fu Panda. (thank you Jonny).  The first one is when “Master Oogway” (the turtle) says “There’s No Such Thing as Coincidence”!  The second is arguably the most amazing when the secret “Dragon Scroll” reveals that WE are the secret to unlimited power.  We have to “BELIEVE”.  The scroll had nothing but a mirror reflection.  The Panda “got it” and he smiled the biggest smile of utter “peace”.  He realized the POWER was “inside of himself”.
Is it possible, through Jesus Christ, the POWER is also inside of us too?
How unbelievably real and amazing all this becomes, when our minds shift from imaginary (through faith) to “tangible” through the understanding of “possibilities”.
(Our Redemption Draweth Nigh)
… and get your “bus ticket” off this lousy “third rock from the sun” …
The Father has prepared for us, “many mansions”.

Be Blessed in Jesus Name
Post Script:

Remember, faith without works, is DEAD.

Time to Feel ALIVE!!
Eternity is a very very very LONG TIME!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

MC Blvd

Robert Hijar (MC Blvd) was born in East Los Angeles on march 15, 1972. He lived in east Los Angeles until the age of 7 where his family moved to north hollywood/burbank area of the san fernando valley. In 1977, while only 5 years old, his parents separated and he was mostly raised by his mom and grandma"My mom was always working to support the family which meant that much of my time growing up was spent with my grandma. I would only see my dad on birthdays and on holidays".

I always liked music as a young kid and I remember being just 10 years old and imitating artist like prince and Michael Jackson,Whodin, run DMC,Sugar hill gang, Public enemy, Beasty boys, George clinton and others.These attest were the early influences on me and have been a part of my music ever since. Although I loved different styles of music growing up I started listening to a lot of oldies and funk as I got into my early teens, infect, it was the influence of funk music that got me going tp The "Boulevard" to break-dance and rap. 
Then as I got into my early twenties I became even more open minded about other types of music and I started listening to spanish music like rancheras,salsa,cumbias,and corridos. You will see in some of my songs the influence of such spanish rhythms and beats.

YouTube Video Jesus Saved My Life:


Sunday, May 8, 2016

1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Deluxe

Information Courtesy Of 1950 Classic Chevrolet:

The 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Deluxe models were considered six passenger cars. These new Deluxe 1950 Chevrolet 2 door and 1950 Chevy 4 door models were the mid-priced Chevy cars. So was the 1950 Chevrolet Styleline Deluxe. With the 1950 Bel Air and 1950 Bel Air Convertible being the higher priced cars. A 2 Door 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Deluxe sold for $1482.00. The 1950 Chevrolet fastback 4 door was priced at almost $50.00 more or $1529.00.
1950 Chevy Delux 2 and 4 door sedans were priced exactly the same. Only the 1950 Bel Air, 1950 Station Wagon and 1950 Convertible cost more.
To dress up the Styleline Deluxe and Fleetline Deluxe models a stainless side trim The “Deluxe” script was installed on the front fender and front door along with chrome gravel guards on rear fenders. In addition stainless windshield and rear window reveal moldings were found on the Deluxe models.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels (Part Three)

From The Website: 

Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels (Part Three)

Pre-Flood Abominations
Genetic Rivers and Mutations Galore
Has anyone ever asked themselves what it means when someone says “that witnessed to my spirit”?  We’ve been taught our whole “Christian” lives, that the “spirit” will “bear witness”.  For those of us who believe we are Born Again under the Blood of Christ, there is this understanding that the Holy Spirit will bear witness to us in matters of the Kingdom of Heaven.  But is this witness foolproof?  Or can it be “interfered with” by other doctrine and teachings from our past.
Time for a Bible verse or two:
17 For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light. 18 Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”
Now admittedly I am still learning to hear God’s voice.  On Monday I stood outside in the street on a dark rainy morning with my arms raised to the sky in tears, saying “Lord, they stole everything from you”.  And I heard in a still small voice “I have abandoned the churches”.  It made me cry even more.  This entire last weekend was full of both gut wrenching sadness and astonishing joy, as various people helped me to understand how this information has witnessed to them and how it has completely changed their perception of how important we are to Jesus.
So back to Luke 8:17-18 “For nothing is secret that will not be revealed”.   Ask yourself this question.  Do you believe that when God reveals these “mysteries” that everyone will be included?  Do you believe the G20 will make an announcement that hybrid creatures existed before Noah’s flood?  Certainly not.  Again, I ask you, is God going to announce to the Nations these mysteries with a megaphone from a gigantic jade colored flying “cloud of heaven”?  Nope.  Why is it that Jeremiah was known as the sad prophet?  Wasn’t Jeremiah “one person”?  How many people do you think Jeremiah was supposed to get the word out too?  Didn’t the news of Jesus Christ, spread throughout the world from a tiny group of early witnesses known as apostles and disciples? 
Is it even remotely possible that God will use “Oracles and Seers” today just as He has all along?  Sure makes you think, doesn’t it?
Again back to Luke 8:17-18.
Luke 8:18
Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given;
For those of us who want to have minds like children in order to make it into Heaven, this is a particularly powerful statement coming from our King.  “Take heed HOW you hear”.  What do you suppose that means?  Could this mean that you must be super careful to not discredit things because they don’t resonate with your prior understanding?  Doesn’t this statement imply that if you aren’t incredibly humble (how you approach new information given out in the “very end”), that you are “likely” to miss critical new revelations?
But then!
Luke 8:18
and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”
Gad!  So here it appears that when someone fails to “grasp” the “new information” being presented by God, that He will not only “let them believe what they want to believe” but He will even allow them to get sucked into a vortex of lesser understanding.  Wow.  Is that because God Himself “SENDS” a “Strong Delusion”?  I’ve always wondered why God Himself sends a “strong delusion”.  Isn’t he on our side?
2 Thess 2:11-12
11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Hmmm.  I wonder who this “strong delusion” applies too.  Many of us believe that we have much of this scary end-times stuff figured out and we are “at the ready”.  And in Jesus name, I pray that we are.  Not a day goes by that I don’t pray “Father, in the Name of Jesus, I pray I am found worthy to escape these things and Stand before the Son of Man”.
Could it be that because most of the world “has pleasure in unrighteousness” that God is reaching a boiling point?  Why do you suppose God is going to destroy the “Heavens” and the “Earth”?  What is coming is not another flood.  He is going to “wipe things out” completely.
The Strong Delusion Hypothesis
Everyone seems to agree it is likely the “strong delusion” will include these “alien-demon-fallen-angel” freaks putting on a spectacular and horrific show to those on the earth.  This is probably so.  However, like many things we “believe”, it is still … only a “hypothesis”.  Maybe these “fallen elohim abominations” will come down in a “space ship” and create a “lying wonder” temple on Mount Moriah in a couple days to PROVE to us that THEY are GOD.
And what exactly is a “lying wonder” anyway?  Does this imply that the “wonder” itself is faked?  Or does this imply that the implication of the supernatural wonder, is a lie?  Hmmm.  I expect they will do things before the eyes of the “unrighteous” and the “elect” that will be utterly unbelievable.  However there is no doubt their mission will be to “perpetuate” the ultimate lie of all time.
They will “prove” to the World, that “they” are our “creators” and that YHWH God was only one of the Four and Twenty Elders, and Jesus was a “specialized Avatar prophet” no more significant than their other forgeries throughout history.
Metaphors and Supernatural Things Galore
Unbelief Abounds
I wonder sometimes why God spoke in symbolism and metaphors so much.  I also used to wonder why Jesus spoke in parables so much.  This takes us back to the paradigm of “the spirit bearing witness”.  Could it be that the “spirit will bear witness” to only those with the mind of a child?  What exactly is unbelief anyway?  Unbelief is a SIN.  Every day I pray to the Lord, “Father, helpsts thou mine unbelief”.  After 30+ years of Pentecostal “esque” upbringing, this has been a long hard journey of “unbelief”.  More than 6 years of research and tossing aside anything that was “UFO” related took it’s toll on me.  But eventually, I realized what and who they are and it changed everything. 
This web site is an “on line diary” of sorts.  If all 200+ articles are read from beginning to end in order, its obvious when I started this “diary” I had no idea what was really going on.  And now ….
So it sure seems to me that “the spirit bearing witness” happens ONLY when someone tosses out their preconceived notions and humbly opens their mind to supernatural (or never before understood) possibilities.  Even Jesus “didn’t do many miracles there” due to “their unbelief”.  Remember that verse?
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit
Isn’t it interesting that all the “divine healing” ministries feel so led to go to Africa (and other under-developed countries) to do much of their work?  I wonder why Smith Wigglesworth prophesied that in the “end-times” born-again Christians in the United States would not be able to receive “divine healings” (ref. Curry Blake “Divine Healing Technician” course).  Isn’t it interesting to realize that the more “educated” we are, the harder it is to accept the supernatural?  And nowadays you see endless You Tube video after video showing divine healing services, and people going “out in the spirit” mixed with clips of strange behaviors intending to impeach any manifestation of the Holy Spirit as “of the Devil“.  This stuff has been going since Acts 2 and started again in full force at the Azuza Street Revival throughout the Pentecostal Holy Spirit filled movement since the early 1900s.  
But today, you see the You Tube folks mixing video clips of legitimate Holy Spirit movement at divine healing services with questionable material of people freaking out in what appears to be a Kundalini like manifestation.  The quenching and impeachment of the POWER of the Holy Spirit is at an all time high.  I recommend we stay “out of the way of God” and realize that Acts makes it “infinitely clear” there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the end times that might arguably be like nothing we have ever seen before
If you are uncomfortable with what you are seeing or hearing about, be careful, because IF these are legitimate outpourings, ANYTHING you say in judgement of them, could be considered BLASPHEMY against the Holy Spirit.  This is an UNFORGIVABLE sin.  And don’t get me going on all the churches out there that believe the POWER of the Holy Spirit ended with the apostles.  That sounds like blasphemy to me too. 
Be vigilant, careful, believe, pray and be humble. 
I got “body slammed” by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at the age of 9, in a little converted hardware store in Rutherford, Pennsylvania, called Grace Chapel.  It was “non-denominational” and the pastor and his wife were converted Mennonites.  Imagine that!  I saw more people “go out in the spirit” in that church than I’ve seen in any other church in my entire life.
On the podium, was a little sign that said …
Expect a Miracle!
You can read more about that experience in this article entitled”
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit here:

Expecting A Miracle
Maybe we should anticipate God to do wondrous things during these times as well.  Sure we are basically okay with UFOs coming down in full disclosure.  And many of us still think the “two witnesses” are a couple of ancient Hebrew prophets that stand on a street corner in Tel Aviv and shoot fire out of the mouths for 1260 days (Hmmm).  It’s funny when you read about the “two witnesses” how the “evil one” wages war against them.  Boy, I would love to be watching CNN and see the guns shooting 20mm depleted uranium shells at those guys and their “force field” just staving off the enemy for 3 and a half years.  That would be quite the show don’t you think?
Maybe the two witnesses are the Olive Tree and the Grafted on “Gentiles”.  Maybe the war that is waged against the two witnesses is the persecution of the Christians (and the Jews) Jesus spoke about in Matt. 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13?  Hmmm.  Or maybe it is just a couple of super-hero Hebrews, with long beards shooting fire out of their mouths.  Sure hope they have some ice water near by.
Or could it be that we, once again, are failing to “Expect a Miracle”?  Is it possible our belief and faith in God’s supernatural ability to prove himself STRONG is at an “all time low”?  How disheartening it must be for our Heavenly Father to see how “earthly” our belief has become.  Instead of knowing God will send Legions of Angels to our defense, we instead are thinking about “hiding in bunkers” and “eating beany-weenies out of cans” to survive.  If God says he will shake the earth and flush them out of their hiding places in caves, then I wonder how well our “bunker” will withstand the forthcoming judgement.
I for one shall stand, hands raised in the air in praise, believing that God will take me out of here when He is good and ready.  If I take a bullet for Jesus, or have a comet fall on my head, I’m ready to go when God sees fit.  For those that wish to survive the earth’s judgment, I pray you are “found worthy to escape these things and stand before the Son of Man”. 
And never forget, if you are found worthy to “escape these things”, maybe you will get grabbed by one of the Angels that come with Jesus to fetch us out during the rescue mission?
Matt 24:29-31
30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather togetherHis elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Supernatural “Possibilities” of Matthew 24:29-31
First let me say that I do not subscribe to any particular belief.  I remain utterly humbled by all these new revelations.  But it is my reasonable duty to the Kingdom of Heaven, to present the possibilities to those who are equally humbled by some of these new discoveries.
JUST REMEMBER, Jesus sends “His angels” to gather “His elect”.  So if your are “found worthy” to escape these things, you DO NOT have a requirement to subscribe to the advanced notions I am going to present to you “in good faith”.
Possible Terms and Definitions:
The Sign
Some believe that “the sign” of the Son of Man, may be the appearance of what looks like the “Star of Bethlehem” in the sky, visible to all the world.  Many believe that this “sign” might be the approach of “Planet X” or Nibiru.  No one is suggesting that Jesus is hanging out on Planet X.  But many are embracing the “possibility” that THIS might be “the sign”.  Why do we “look up” because our redemption draweth “nigh”?
Luke 21:27-28
27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Clouds of Heaven
In Chuck Missler’s video lecture series, done at Roswell, New Mexico, (here:http://www.khouse.org/pages/special_events/alien_encounters/) he gives a “Christian perspective” of the alien abduction phenomenon.  I highly recommend it. 
Now I do not personally subscribe to the notion that all of these “beings” are “inter-dimensional” as Chuck believes.  I emphatically believe there is a “darn good reason” why the Pyramid of Giza, in the Kings Chamber has “two portals”.  One points precisely to the “Orion” star system (what a coincidence, huh?) and the other points to the “Dracos” star system (YOUCH!).  Dracos, dracula, dragon, …. makes you think doesn’t it?
Why do  you suppose the “ancients” seemed to be “watching” these star systems?  Do you suppose they were looking for an “inter-dimensional” being to appear in the sky?  Or is it more likely they had sophisticated optics designed to watch for the approach of “inter-galactic” space buggies?  I don’t know.  Seems highly suspicious if you ask me.
In the Missler lecture, he hypothesizes that these “beings” NEED some type of technological “protection” as they move through the “dimensions”.  Wow.  Really?  Well it makes sense to me that any “HOST” (see “Lord of Hosts, ref. “The Bible”), would need protection from the elements of “outer space”.  So Missler is just fine with the theory that these “fallen-angel-demons” need “technological transport devices” to “materialize” in our dimension.  Okay.
Why did the ANGELS that went to Sodom have to be protected from the onslaught of the evil-doers when they came to do “abominations” upon them?  Why did Lot offer up his daughters to protect them? Why in the WORLD didn’t those “angels” just “materialize” into another dimension and escape those “things”?  Praise God they had the power to inflict blindness.  Could they have been trapped in the flesh?  Evidently they sure looked good to the men that were banging on the door.  Why does Hebrews warn us to be careful about entertaining angels?  Wouldn’t you KNOW it was an angel sitting at your table?  Well the scripture certainly suggests that’s NOT the case.  Hmmm.
Never mind the endless books out there by non-christian and Christian authors alike that strongly suggest the “clouds of heaven” are actually “metaphors” or “ancient explanations” for “technological transport devices”.
Naaaaaahh ….. couldn’t be.
Gathered Up Elect
But alas, I take so much peace in knowing that I don’t have to worry about all this wacky speculation.  That’s because when Jesus comes on His rescue mission, he will SEND his Angels to come and get us wherever we are.  That is providing you are “counted worthy to escape these things”. 
Please remember to “pray always that you are counted worthy” and give this your best effort.  You don’t want to be here for “these things”.
Dan 12:1-3
And at that time shall Michael (the archangel) stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble (a Great Tribulation), such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. 2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.  3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
It’s fascinating to me how the Bible regularly refers to “angels” as “stars” metaphorically.  Hmmm.  But surely that’s not what this could mean, could it?  Gosh I really don’t know.  Makes you think though doesn’t it?

How Bad Was It and How Bad Might it Get?
Considering the average church cannot fully grasp the “angel theory” of Genesis 6, it doesn’t surprise me a bit when people struggle with Centaurs, and hybrid animals roaming the earth prior to Noah’s flood.  Never mind the ENDLESS supporting “myth”ology that documents these astonishing revelations.  I’m sure its all a bunch of “poppycock” and “hooey”.  There’s simply no way that stuff could have ever existed here on earth.  Right?  WRONG.
The Bible is a “road-map” to salvation.  It has a specific purpose in mind.  It is not a 100% complete documentation of all things historical.  You have to become “wise as serpents”.  Why does Acts point out that ….
Acts 7:22
22 And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds.
Ok.  Now wait a minute here.  What’s THAT supposed to mean?  The Egyptians practiced magick and believed in “gods” from other planets and all that non-sense.  Surely you don’t suppose Moses himself knew about the portals in the King’s Chamber watching the star systems of Dracos and Orion.  Naaah.  I’m sure the word “all” was a euphemism.  Yeah.  Moses surely didn’t know anything about Thoth and those other hybrid animal human looking abominations.  (scratching my head)
Here below is a short article written by Thomas Horn.  Let’s hear his speculation on this matter of “hybrid animals” and other such abominations, shall we?
Did Ancient Biotechnology Create Nephilim?
By Thomas R. Horn
May 23, 2007 

“The benei Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fit extensions” (Gen 6:2, Interlinear Hebrew Bible).
In the study of the Old Testament Book of Genesis, beings of great stature called “giants” appear, which some scholars believe came into existence after powerful angels known as ‘Watchers’ descended to earth and used women (or their biological matter) to construct bodies of flesh, which they used to “extend” themselves into the material world.

The Apocryphal books of Enoch, 2 Esdras, Genesis Aprocryphon and Jasher support the Genesis story, adding that the sin of the angels grew to include genetic modification of animals as well as humans. The Book of Jasher, mentioned in the Bible in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18, explains that after the fallen angels went into the daughters of men, “the sons of men taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order to provoke the Lord”(4:18). This clear reference to the Genesis 6 record illustrates that “animals” were included in whatever cross-species experiments were being conducted, and that this activity resulted in judgment from God. The Book of Enoch also supports this record, saying that after the fallen angels merged their DNA with women, they “began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish” (7:5,6). The Old Testament contains associated reference to genetic mutations, which developed among humans following this activity, including unusual size, physical strength, six fingers, six toes, animal appetite for blood and even lion-like features among men (2 Sam 21:20; 23:20).
Now I personally do not think that Nephilim resulted from DNA manipulation.  It is my emphatic belief that the Sons of God (watchers, angels, not fallen until they committed the sin) knew in advance that the women were “fit extensions” and they actually “came in unto” the daughters of men.  Please don’t send me verses about angels not procreating, I get all that, but you have to understand there are different states of spirituality in the Heavens and arguably when a “dispatched” angel takes on a “host” body to do things on behalf of the Godhead, they likely take on a human form.  I remind you of the attempted assault on the angels in Sodom again.
when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them,
And don’t forget the “Triple Helix” DNA issue that has surfaced so abundantly through our advanced learning of late.  Why do you think GOD put “enmity” between the seed of the serpent and the woman in the Garden?  Could it be that God “changed” the DNA of Adam and Eve to a “double-helix” variety that was no longer compatible with breeding with the “seed of the serpent”?  Maybe this is why, when the Sons of God, had “sex” with the women of their choosing they bore “mutations” instead of regular humans.
A Synopsis of Advanced Thinking
Okay well that’s where this “understanding” becomes super hard to grasp. The books out there have this information in it. There are a lot of them and they match with the stories from “mythology” that are (in my opinion) not myth.
The “belief” amongst EXTREMELY advanced christian thinkers and “oracles / seers” that I have been led too, and a VAST (did I mention vast?) number of writings and books that have been written by a myriad of different people over thousands of years, is that “In the Beginning” there were multiple civilizations that existed even during the time of the Garden.
The Genesis account as we know it, is HUGELY metaphorical, just like much of the rest of the Bible is. AND there are new interpretations of Gen One coming out from scholars that are discovering that much may have been intentionally or accidentally misinterpreted even in the original Masoretic Texts, (some of the oldest Hebrew interpretations of the Pentateuch – the first 5 books of the Bible).
There are even new interpretations of the ancient Hebrew emerging that paint a highly interesting picture of likely interpretations that are very “cosmic” in content.  Seehttp://www.thechronicleproject.org/
This means, that millions of years ago (remember that anthropologists know as a fact that the earth is millions of years old), there were multiple bloodlines or genetic “rivers” that existed on earth. (Gen 2:11-15). Just like God uses the term “Beast” to represent a Government, he also can use “Seas and Rivers” to represent “people” or “bloodlines”. So when God says that a terrible “Beast” rises from the “Sea” he really means that a Government rises from the peoples of the world. Arguably similar metaphors were used to represent at least 4 different bloodlines (or even species) of beings that were on the earth during the time of Genesis and the Garden of Eden.
The Tree of Good and Evil is a metaphor for “not crossing the line”. Remember that Adam and Eve were not to eat from it because they could become “as gods”. SOOOOO, since it is “likely” that the fallen “creator elohim Sons of God” of Genesis One (of creational powers fame) were here in the Garden even AFTER the Luciferian fall (rebellion).  The belief is, that God was warning them to “keep way” from the demon seed, that was present and walking the earth outside of the immediate Garden where Adam was created by YHWH God.
So “metaphorically speaking” Eve became the mother of Cain but not from Adam’s seed. This is the “fruit” that was to be avoided.
1 John 3:11-12

For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, 12 not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother

 Also see:
Gen 3:22
Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.
Is it possible that when the “seed of the serpent” (fallen creator elohim) mixed with the seed of the woman, that God wasn’t happy about it?  Why would Lord God (YHWH Elohim) be so unhappy about this issue of adding “insult to injury” with this “mixing of seed”?  Could this one of the reasons he had no choice but to place “enmity” between the two different “seeds”? 
God was Utterly Disgusted
And to really see the big picture, please try to ask yourself this question. Why was God so UTTERLY DISGUSTED with the earth during Noah’s time? He was ready to DESTROY the entire earth and ALL it’s inhabitants. This was not just a problem with SIN. No way!  There were centaurs, and hybridized animals, and pegasus’ (winged horses) and all kinds of “abominations” on earth back then. Noah was chosen because he was “genetically pure” and a good God fearing man. The situation was so horrible, and there were so many “Alien Demon Mutations” (because of Lucifer’s interference), that God had to wipe out everything and start again with Noah. This means that God almost certainly wiped out many hundreds, even thousands, of “life forms”.
That is why Genesis 6 also says “there were giants in those days”. The word “Nephilim” is not really “giant” it actually means “from the Heavens they came” or something like that. And Gen 6 ALSO says, “and “they” came back after the flood. That’s because these dang alien demon things came back down (in UFO’s – fallen angel demons), and started to do the same thing as they did prior to the flood. Have sex with the Adamic bloodline, and then again through all the existing bloodlines.  This is precisely why God was FURIOUS with people like Esau who went “out of bounds” and had “relations” with the “demon seed” of the other bloodlines.
That is the best I can do thus far, with the very small amount of research I’ve been able to do on this.
How Does God’s Knowledge Spread?
But you have to understand this as best as you can. This information may have been given by God to only a few people, just like other prophecies were given by God to Jeremiah as a prophet to spread around, just like the apostles were given the news of Christ to spread around. And the information is backed by many writings that we have not been able to get our hands on until just recently.  Maybe this is all true, maybe it is partially true, or mabye it’s only “hypothesis”. 
It really only matters if you intend to fight the lies that are forthcoming from these “arguably” fallen creator alien-demon abominations.
Dan 12:4
4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
Could this be such knowledge?  I don’t know.  I think so for sure.  But I truly don’t know.

Defending Against the Lie 
Also the most important thing to understand of all is that this information is DEFENSE against the “alien-demons” that will tell everyone on earth that THEY were our creators and prove it with their “lying wonders”. Does God mean that the “wonders” themselves are not “wonders”? … nope. God means that THEY ARE LIARS, and they will do “miraculous things” in our presence to prove they are capable, “technologically” capable, of doing amazing things.

These “fallen creators alien-demons” had their “creational abilities” stripped from them (via the Godhead, through and for Him) after the fall of Lucifer and the 1/3 of the rebellious unrepentant angels were kicked out of their “first estate”. They were cut off from “Sons of God” status. Now they can only used their technologies, such as DNA manipulation, to perform these wonders. They can no longer create on behalf of the Godhead.
A Warning to the Researcher
Unfortunately most of these advanced researchers and authors tend to go into topics that are EXTREMELY controversial.  While I support their choice to venture into such topics and speculation, I DO NOT agree with many of their “conjectures”.  On the other hand you do not want to “throw the baby out with the bath water”.  So you need to measure everything as best as you can against the scripture, and let the spirit “bear witness” unto you heart.
Summary In Jesus Name
People often mistake their ability to spiritually “discern” with their personal inability to grasp new concepts beyond their burned in doctrinal “unbelief”.  I am extremely guilty of this myself.  For years I have struggled with these concepts.  I have yelped out exclamations like “This is New Age” balderdash and crap!  I have written off sources completely because of one thing they said they believed, that I knew wasn’t true.  So I am … guilty as charged.  Amen.
Since according to the Bible, born again Christians have the Holy Spirit inside of them, the expectation is that the “spirit will bear witness”.  However!  It cannot bear witness to you unless you have “child like” faith and are willing to open your mind to new and wonderful possibilities.  Re-read this article and review the scriptures and ask yourself honestly if you are approaching these concepts with the mind of a child OR if maybe, just maybe, you might be relying on “burned in doctrine” and prior teachings so much that it is manifesting in a type of “unbelief”.
If you really want to see a real life example of the “spirit bearing witness” to these new possibilities, then take the time to read the “comments” section under “Part Two” of this series.  Read them carefully.  Realize that these people are not the “un-saved” folks of the world.  Tribulation-Now’s readership is made up of mostly born-again spirit filled Christians.
There are more comments posted under Part Two of this series than have EVER been posted since Tribulation-Now began over a year ago.  Over 200 articles and that one HIT HOME with more Christians than ANY other article.  Even more so than the articles that were linked to from some of the most popular web site’s in the world.  And considering many of those get millions of hits per day, that is saying A LOT.
This is “the spirit bearing witness” IN REAL TIME.
Welcome to my world.
In Jesus Name I pray, We are ALL found worthy to Escape These Things
Be Blessed in Jesus Name
SEE Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels (Part Four) here: