

Friday, April 29, 2016

Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels

Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels

A Tissue or A Kleenex
Amazing “Coincidences” and Scriptural Epiphanies
By now the regular readers of Tribulation-Now are probably wondering about my suggestions that there are alarming differences between Genesis One and Genesis Two.  Frankly we have “litmus tested” our findings amongst a number of people with both prophetic gifts and some “arguably advanced” Christian thinkers.   There are some interesting findings we are aggressively pursuing that are not only possible, but at this point, “Highly Likely“.
To Restate the Problem
It’s important that I take a moment and restate the most “immediate” problem we have as Christianity at this moment in time.  All the other nonsense aside, the MOST imminent threat to “saving souls” for Jesus Christ, is THE LANDING!!  Or, if you would rather, we can call it THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT.  Or, maybe we can refer to it as the “Strong Delusion” (or a ramp up to it), or maybe we should call it “The Ancient Alien” Problem, thanks to the History Channel.
Before I continue to elucidate further on the “problem”, here is the Riddle of the Day.  What does the “Prophet Yahweh” and “Dr. Steven Greer” of the Disclosure Project both have in common?
Answer:  They BOTH can use “telekinetic mind powers” to “conjure up” the appearance of a UFO (supposedly of Pleiadian origin) AT WILL.
Yes indeed they can.  If you don’t know who these people are then you need to search You Tube on both of these fellows.  You will actually SEE on a local Television News Station, the Prophet Yahweh, conjuring up the appearance of UFOs in the sky on television.  Yep!  Never mind he has a following of “parishioners” that learn how to do this themselves with his DIVINE assistance.
AND THEN, you have Dr. Steven Greer.  Now I thought this guy was on the “up and up” since he has a pretty impressive list of high ranking and apparently genuine officials “disclosing” their “close encounters” with these UFO “entities” on his video series. (search Disclosure Project).  And in fact there is NO question in my mind that these folks are telling the truth.  As if it wasn’t bizarre enough to hear that these UFO’s are actively disabling Nuclear missiles (in flight, ICBM testing, etc.) but they have been shutting down “missile silos” off and on now for quite a few decades.
But when you buy Dr. Greer’s book, (like I did), “Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge”, you quickly discover that HE TOO, like Prophet Yahweh, enjoys the “conjuring up” activities of the learned far east mystics and friends of the White Brotherhood.  If you look on Wikipedia.org and do some homework on Dr. Steven Greer, all you have to do is look at the name of the college he attended.  Check THIS OUT!  It’s Maharishi International University.   How about that.  Yes sireeeeee.  Mr. Greer himself is the Kung Fu Panda of UFO “calling”.   I would not be surprised if this becomes an Olympic Sport.
But I digress.
The most CRITICAL problem we face is the claim that these coming UFO alien-demon-fallen-angels are our creators.  They are coming here to tell us this.  The entire Ancient Alien Series on the History Channel makes that as clear as crystal “skull”.  We can push aside the fact there are NUMEROUS books from highly credible scientists out there.  Nobody, but me, reads them anyway (only kidding).  Forget about Zechariah Sitchin, after all, Dr. Michael Heiser (who I love as a very smart fellow Christian), says “Stichin Lies”.  Why?  Because there are some discrepancies in his understanding of Hebrew and Sumerian language.  Yep. So every single thing that Sitchin says MUST be a lie.
And yes, while very few people know this (except those that purchase, watch and study) such material as “Confessions of a Mother Goddess” (a wacky Masonic lie from David Icke no less – give me a break), Zechariah Sitchin was seen regularly attending “Blood Sacrifice Ceremonies” where leading government officials and Heads of State were seen “shape shifting” into Reptilian Demons.  NO WAY!  Sure.  But you have to be gullible like me to believe such crazy “fallen angel” nonsensical stories such as that.  Right?
I have one last question for you.
Why does God say that “HE” sends a STRONG DELUSION?  Why would God SEND the Strong Delusion.  Isn’t he on OUR SIDE?  Why would he do that?
Hint:  I know why!!  It’s actually pretty cool.
Another question for you.
What if the coming “fallen-angel-demon-elohim” DID IN FACT create MAN?
WOAH.  Now you KNOW I’ve lost my mind, right?  Uhmmm.
(Hurry click away now before you learn something)
And praise Jesus for those who didn’t “click away”.  At least some of us will have a clue of how to explain to people that “THEY” ARE NOT our CREATORS.
The problem here is “terms and definitions” and our inability to see the “big picture”.    Let’s face it.  We were robbed.  We would have had a much better shot at understanding these things if the Nicean Council of 325 A.D. wouldn’t have had gnostic Dionysus worshiping pagans tearing out legitimate pseudoepigrapha from the canon.  (sly devils, no pun intented).
It’s “almost” like they had an “agenda” way back then and knew JUST what texts to remove.  Never mind that the term “pseudoepigrapha” actually means “works with a false title”.  What?  Yep.  Evidently if the pagans could argue that the claimed writer was not really the one who wrote it using whatever means necessary, then it got classified as such.
And don’t EVEN get me going about The Book of Enoch.  (sigh)
Small Adjustments to our Frame of Reference
We may need to change our frame of reference a little.  But once you “get your arms around it”, it is the single most exciting thing you will discover.  These “epiphanies” are in the 66 book canon, but you have to know what you are looking for in advance.
Also, for what it’s worth, (and I know you didn’t experience it yourself so you’ll just have to believe or discard), there have been SO many supernatural confirmations that I can no longer turn my back on the subject.  I have been on hours of conference calls with the smartest guys in the world (I think) on this subject, and these amazing people have a hard time giving you a half dozen scriptures to back the facts.  Have you ever met people like that?  They are SO DARN SMART that they can’t stop sharing with you their amazing journey long enough to focus on ONE big question.
Surely many of you know by now that I’ve been harping on this problem with understanding Genesis One “man and woman” vs. Genesis 2:7 where the “Lord God” (YHWH Elohim) specifically creates man and blew into his nostrils the “breath of life” and the man became a “living soul”.  I have heard the same old diatribe about Gen 1 being a type of repetition of Gen 2 but this flies in the face of common sense.  I am so TIRED of being misled by so-called “Th.Ds” (theologians), that have been educated through the “common frame of reference” from our pagan forefathers that cannibalized our scripture, I could just … well …  “pop a fuse”.
Think about this.  When you study something like the Bible, if your basics are “out of whack”, how can you expect to understand the rest?  Well you can’t.  And what books are hidden in the basement of the Vatican?  I don’t know.  What books or scriptures have we not even discovered yet?  Beats me.  So how in the WORLD do you stitch this all together?
Never mind all the translation issues.  I do not care what version  you have, there is stuff missing and stuff that is mistranslated.  And yes I have heard the story that “at least” in the KVJ we know where the mistakes are …  NO WE DON’T!   But it is one of my favorites as long as a I have an Amplified Bible or a Kenneth Wuest Expanded near by to keep my brain from bleeding with metaphorical frustration.
And THEN you have the problem with the fact that Hebrew only has 800 words and each letter has a different meaning depending on how it is combined with the other letters.  English has more than 500,000 words.  And Greek!  Forget about it.  Between Greek and Hebrew, we are arguably talking about the single two most difficult languages to translate to English EVER.
Sorry, is that enough or might I add the problem with metaphors, symbolism and out-right “generalities”.  Did that lady ask for a Kleenex or a tissue?  Does it matter?  Well maybe.  Maybe not.  Was that BEAST a nasty evil animal, or was it a “Government”?  Wow.  That’s a huge difference.  At least for the most part, when the Bible uses some metaphors, it is relatively consistent.
But you still have to be careful because it’s tricky AND you have duplicitous meanings. YES.  There are times when Jesus appears to be talking to people (the general populous) but he is simultaneously talking to Satan and his army of “fallen ones” to make a point.  You also have this problem with soul and spiritual realities juxtaposed against physical realities.  Sure you do.
The Duplicitous Meaning Paradigm
For example, since we know that the “fallen-alien-demon-angels” (“angels”… make a note here), have been trying to destroy “man’s DNA” and corrupt the bloodline of man”kind” since Adam was created, (the serpent in the Garden, the indiscretion of Eve, Who is the Father of Cain, God having to place “enmity ” between the “seed of Satan” and the “seed of the woman”, and on and on and on), AND we know that the “Body is the Temple” of the Holy Spirit (see “The Bible”), then is it not likely “the abomination that creates desolation” is ALSO the DNA bloodline corruption of the Temple?
If the DEMON SEED has successfully “infested” virtually all of mankind’s bloodlines over the years, (as any reasonable person would acknowledge MUST be the case), then might there be TWO DIFFERENT meanings to the “abomination” that causes destruction.  Is it even REMOTELY possible that that same abomination, that “stands in the Temple” is actually standing inside of a “human Temple”?   What if the physical Temple is not really a true prophetic term and ultimately is used as a deception to “throw us off our game”?  We know the demons are using the Bible as a play book, right?  Surely you do.
If you find yourself scratching your head, you may be new to this information and need a little history or refresher course in the order the Lord led me to these things.  I took the time to put the articles in order from the point I began to struggle with the Genesis One vs. Genesis Two “elohim” problem.  If you take the time to read through these (in this order) you will see how I have struggled with the concepts but simultaneously KNEW something WAS UP!
Intercepting the Elohim
Interim Epiphanies
Cosmic Threat Analysis
And if you REALLY want the whole skinny on the Alien Demon epiphanies of mine (Praise Jesus), go back through the article history even further and find, the “Aliens, Demons, Nephilim, Time Travel and God” series (Parts one through four I believe).  Also look upUFO Wars: They’re coming to Save UsIt’s a setupA Greater Delusion than We Think, and You Can’t Handle the Truth.  Whoops I almost forgot; and then you should also see “The Alien Demon Agenda” articles, Part 1, part 1-2 “Interim ThoughtsPart 2 and Part 3 “Apotheosis”.
If those articles I just linked you to above, don’t get you “going” than nothing will.  And the stuff I am learning NOW is really SUPER COOL!!
Seek and Ye Shall Find
If you begin researching a particular subject Biblically, with a pre-disposition to a particular conclusion, you can easily spend your entire life proving what you already believed was the case.  And sure enough, with the help of the “church” forefathers and all of their “agendas” you will have some sort of “pre-disposition” in most studies.  Dare I say all studies for the most part.
In the book entitled “Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church” by Marvin Rosenthal, you hear an alarming story of how the HEAD GUY at one of the largest pre-trib operations in the world, CHANGED HIS MIND, and had the entire board freaking out on him because it would EMBARRASS their father, and their fathers’ father, and their fathers grandfather.  NO!  Don’t change your mind Mr. Rosenthal.  No matter how important it is to the SOULS OF MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS, after all it might embarrass us.  That is PRECISELY what happened.
So if you don’t open your mind and start your research with a HUMBLE MIND and an open mind, you will automatically fail.  You have to start your research with a “hypothesis” or a “what if” scenario, and then BUCK UP and be a good BEREAN and do your homework.
Otherwise people are going to “burn in Hell” because you stood their with your mouth open and had no explanation to give when they say … ” I can believe in those UFOs better than I can believe in your Jesus” (which actually happened to me one day at a local bistro).
Was God warning me of what’s coming?
The “Sons of God” are WHAT?
Considering every “jot and tittle” is meaningful in the Bible (including punctuation), why do you suppose God would waste an entire chapter on creation and then repeat the concept of “man’s creation” in the second chapter?  Hmmm.
Why in John 10:34 does Jesus ask “Have I not said YE are gods”?  Whoops.  I goofed up again.  Actually Jesus didn’t say that at all.  HE SAID!!  “Have I not said ye are ELOHIM”.  Wow.
Why is it that the exact same word used to describe the “Sons of God” in Genesis 6:4 is used in the New Testament to describe the Sons of God” when talking about “us” inMatthew 5:9Luke 20:36Romans 8:14Romans 8:19, and Galatians 3:26?   In fact, listen closely here folks.  The KJV likes to use the word “children” instead of SON.  Now please you need to wake up here.  If you can defend the notion that “children of God” is somehow different than “Sons of God” then you are in COMPLETE DENIAL.
Never mind this fact.
If you really DIG and you look up the HEBREW WORDS to describe the “Sons of God” inGenesis 6:4 (also known as the “Watchers” in The Book of Enoch”), you find the words “B’neey haa – ‘Elohiym”.  Okay that’s fine.  But darn it.  When you go to the above mentioned New Testament scriptures you find instead the Greek words (for Sons of God) as “vloi tov Oeov”.  Well that’s cool but not so helpful really.  Oh gosh, what to do.  How in the world do we “correlate” the term “Sons of God” from the New Testament back to the Old Testament, PARTICULARLY to the Genesis 6 problem cause that makes this REALLY INTERESTING.
Aha.  The SEPTUAGINT.  The “Apostolic Bible”.  The translation that the apostles arguably carried with them of the Old Testament Hebrew since (as far as I know) none of them but Paul, knew Hebrew well anyway.
So let’s see what “B’neey haa- ‘Elohiym” is in GREEK, shall we?
“B’neey haa- ‘Elohiym” (Hebrew – Genesis 6:4) IS ALSO “Vloi Tov Oeov” in Greek.  You see, the EXACT SAME WORDS were used to describe the “fallen angel watchers” of Genesis 6 as were used to describe the “Sons of God” (that’s us) in the New Testament.
Now isn’t that fascinating?  You bet it is.
But HOW CAN THAT BE??  Am I implying that perhaps, just maybe, the term angel in the Bible is used very loosely?  Is it even remotely possible that the “Sons of God” are also TISSUES, whoops there I go again, I meant “Kleenexes” … DANG IT… I mean … Angels?  Is it even remotely possible, that JUST MAYBE the term “Angel” is a term used to generically represent the divine hierarchy of “beings” that “LORD GOD” (YHWY Elohim) created as the “supporting front office” of the Heavenly management system?  Could YHWH Elohim’s Universe be a supernatural electro-magnetic “messaging system” (hence the term “messengers”)?
Who are the Seraphim?  Who are the Cherubim?  What are their jobs in the Heavenly Office?  And have  you ever heard of Ophannim?  WHAT?  Well if you read the Bible you sure have indeed heard of Ophannim.  They are the mis-interpreted terms referred to in Ezekiel chapter one, as WHEELS.  That’s a fact.  The Hebrew word for “wheels” is actually the term for the Angel classification called “Ophannim”.
Summary in Jesus Name
Boy this is exciting isn’t it?  I think so.  If I kept brain dumping on you all the amazing things the Lord has led me to understand in the last week or so, you would believe I was a complete basket case.  Okay maybe you do already.  But I do in fact have a “duty” to report these things to you for the Glorification of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Saving of Souls for Jesus Christ, Yeshua or Yahushua (your preference) the Messiah!!
Did you know the word SOUL does not appear in the King James Bible in the first Chapter of Genesis when “man and woman” were created?  I wonder why? (no I don’t any more PRAISE JESUS!).
What in the world is “christianity” going to do when these “fallen-angel-demon-alien” predators, PROVE that “man” has been around for maybe as long as “millions” of years.  WOW!.  That’s a serious problem if you hope to win yourself some Jesus brownie points (“rewards” see 1 Corinthians 3:12-15).
Gosh I feel so sorry for any Christian that embraces the “young earth” notion of utter balderdash.  Don’t forget those “pesky” dinosaurs we “christians” like to look at in the museums and movies.  I wonder why Abraham, Isaac and Jacob weren’t fighting off those nasty Tyrannosaurus Rexs like in Jurassic Park. Hmmm.  Hey maybe the Giants in the Land of Canaan were actually some kind of Brontosaurus or something.  (scratching my head).
AND WHAT’S UP with the petroglyphs that show “man fighting with dinosaurs”.  Boy thats’ weird.  Those darn Geico Cave Men need to “step away from the crack-pipe” don’t they?
Try to wipe the “milk” from your chinny chin chin.  We need to “muster up” and get smart for the Kingdom of Heaven.  Read the book “Genesis and Geology” for the sake of your fellow man.  Please, let’s save “christianity” from the “evils of science”.
And Never Forget
Be Blessed in Jesus Name
Post Script: “Eternity is a long long time” … older than the dinosaurs.
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