

Monday, May 2, 2016

Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels (Part Two)

From The Website:

Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels (Part Two)

The Orion Wars
Jesus’ Side of the Story
He alone spreads out the heavens,
And treads on the waves of the sea;
He made Arcturus, Orion, and the Pleiades,
And the chambers of the south;
He does great things past finding out,
Yes, wonders without number.
Introduction to the Amazing
Is there anyone out there that thinks they have this all figured out?  Not me!  What I can share with you I must.  This is an AMAZING story and you will probably wonder if it could possibly be real.  I sure did.  In fact I discarded the information more than once.  But God kept calling me back to it.
Some of my most intense praise, prayer and research happens when I am out of a job.  Through our trials, we often are pulled much closer to the Lord.  I try not to worry and it’s hard.  God has things in control.  And there is far too little time to screw things up now.  “Seek ye first the Kingdom” and that is exactly what I’ve been doing. 
But the Kingdom is far more fabulous than our little peanut brains could ever imagine.  Unless otherwise convinced, by supernatural means or extremely convincing scripture (which I doubt seriously could happen), I am persuaded through manifestations of the Holy Spirit that what I am presenting you is as close to the truth than you may have ever heard in your life.
And I give all the Glory to God, for finding me and “us all” worthy to be part of these revelations.
An Intense Sense of Urgency
There is a strange sense of urgency associated with this article.  This morning I received an email from a Tribulation-Now contributor.  He found very troubling misinformation being spread across the Internet.  Evidently there are those that have already “latched onto” the Genesis One vs. Genesis Two problem.  And they are formulating speculation that is damning to Jesus’ mission to save us in his forthcoming “rescue mission”.  You can call it a rapture, a calling up, pick your terminology.  You can even suggest there is no “calling up” if you would rather, but one thing is for certain .. He is coming for us.
I was going to “hold off” on presenting this story and continue to find lots of Bible scripture to back it.  While I have some scriptures, and more and more are coming in via continuous phone calls from “key contributors”, I am swimming in notes and the damage being done by the “You Tube” demons is utterly horrible.  Evidently they have even gone as far as to suggest that Genesis One was not written by God, but was demonically inserted into the text.  When I got that notification, I realized I could no longer wait.
The Truth is Out There.  And quite honestly if you don’t want to accept it that’s fine.  It is possible you are will be “counted worthy to escape these things” even if you are not quite right with the Lord I suppose.  And there is absolutely NO REQUIREMENT to have a clue about UFO’s and “alien-demon-fallen-angels” to be saved.  BUT if you want to do good things on behalf of the Kingdom, there is NO QUESTION you will need this information to present to “the lost” when these “space beings” arrive in force.

Supernatural Spin Cycle
It seems that everything God creates is “circular”.  We have the circulatory system, planets revolve around suns, Universes are circular and spin, atoms have electrons that circle around them.  And evidently, ages are God’s creational cycles too. God refers to “opening and closing scrolls”.  Have you ever considered the Seven Thunders in Revelation that John was not allowed to “write about” were beginnings of aeons or ages?   Could a “thunder” be a type of “big bang”?  All the scientists agree the Universe is “in motion”; albeit slowing down through entropy.  Has it occurred to you that  the actual “days” spoken of in Genesis are the Hebrew word “yam” which may actually be referring to “ages” and not days?  Well?  Hmmm.
Well my research, and supernatural “coincidences”, run in cycles as well.  Like everyone else, I am always suspicious of the “sources” of the information.  And then when you realize that Lucifer’s army uses the 99.999% truth, .001% lies, the ONLY WAY, we can be “wise as serpents” is to study the enemy’s movements and plans. 
So  you simply cannot run away from sources of information because, maybe, just maybe, they have been labeled as “questionable”.  Maybe the author doesn’t know Jesus but figured out a part of the puzzle that “christianity asleep at the wheel” missed.  And WHO SAYS the sources are questionable in the first place??  Since we know the Brotherhood of Satan has assigned members to our churches to quench the spirit and hide the revealing of truths, how can we assume we are getting the whole story? 
We can’t
Discarding the Sources on Impulse
As this information was getting revealed to me through the first couple sources, I completely discarded it.  I didn’t agree with it.  To me, it “didn’t make sense”.  The main reason I discarded it is because I really didn’t “get it”.  I took 2 sets of DVD lectures and tossed them on my bookshelf.  While some of the information was plausible, even likely, it just wasn’t “witnessing to me”.  The “earthly Johnny” didn’t resonate with it because some of the “terminology” used, in “my mind” didn’t line up with scripture.  Or at least, that’s what I thought.  Well I was wrong.  Yesterday’s article touched upon a small portion of those confirmations.
Then I was led to purchase a Bible version known as the Hebraic Roots Bible.  I read Genesis one and two straight through and I immediately realized something is SERIOUSLY wrong with the story. It doesn’t line up.  It didn’t make sense.  Chapter one was a totally different account than chapter two.  When you stop inserting the word “GOD” into every spot and you see the term “elohim” and the words “US” and “WE” used, a circuit blows.  I knew, as I read it, that these “fallen-angel-demons” are coming her to tell us that THEY are our creators.   I started to wonder, “what if”?  What if they are going to be telling 99.999% truth, but leave out the most important part?
Research Hypothesis is Formed
I formed my “hypothesis” and started my research.  I bought the Ancient Aliens season one and watched it with Jonathen Kleck when he visited.  He requested a particular episode, but by “accident” I selected the wrong one.  By “coincidence” it was the one that included Akhenaten with the speculation that He was NOT from this planet.  By the time we had finished watching that episode (which was loaded with additional archeological evidence) Jonathan was starting to freak out and pray.  It got really intense.  He said, “this is IT” (or something like that).  He knew about the Gen One problem and felt the secret was being revealed in the documentary and the Lord was confirming it to him.
I remember talking to my 65 year old, Holy Spirit filled tongue speaking sister in Pennsylvania.  She was the one I helped with the demonic issue in the article entitled “Deliverance”.  I don’t remember how we tripped across the subject but she says to me (to my utter surprise) “I always thought that we might be angels”.  I was like “WHAT?” I never expected to hear that from her.  Why in the world would she say that?  After all we are “Sons of God” … right?
The Restaurant Encounter
Then I find myself (I’m compressing events over months of time and research here) doing some digging on some of the sources of this material.   I was having some “Sumerian ale” at the local bistro witnessing to a waitress who had heard about Tribulation-Now from another girl who works there and is on “The List”.  She wanted to know more and more.  People are fascinated with UFO’s and they are astonished to learn that the Bible refers to these things and their “fallen-angel-demon” inhabitants.
If you want to witness to people about Jesus, there is NO BETTER SUBJECT to get smart about.  I recommend you do it fast because we are running out of time.
In between the questions from the waitress, I was clicking from web site to web site in search of the origins of some of this information.  The truth is out there.  The problem is God speaks through mouthpieces of His choice.  And He doesn’t bother trying to convince those with “burned in unbelief” with closed minds and etched in “theologies” and corrupted historical understandings.  I had to toss all of my preconceptions a long time ago.
While everyone else is watching the forthcoming financial collapse and other “news of the global takeover”,  God made it “perfectly clear” to me that I need to focus on The Disclosure Project (see the article entitled “The Botnet Coincidence” herehttp://www.tribulation-now.org/2010/11/30/the-botnet-coincidence/). 
At this point I stumble across a web site that appears to have some interesting data that might be a source of this “take on the Universe”.  But there is no contact information in sight.  But wait!  Then I see this obscure email on a sister site that might be someone I can reach out too.  There, with my pitcher of beer, and my netbook with some wings, I pop-off a quick email and introduce myself as the writer of Tribulation-Now and ask the guy to call me if he feels “led” by the Lord to do so.
I didn’t recognize the number so I was confused.  At this point it wasn’t searching for a job so I was thinking to myself “NO WAY”.   Well … Yes Way!  The person identified himself as Dr. Lee.  He said that he was sifting through hundreds of emails and the Lord told him to call me.  Immediately?  Evidently so.  So there I am on a frosty Tampa night, in utter disbelief that one of the world’s leading Biblical experts and a scientist with a Ph.D in Physics (I believe), was actually TALKING TO ME on the phone 5 minutes after I sent off a relatively random email. 
Subsequent Calls and Confirmations
Since then this unbelievable Jesus filled author of 5 (or more) books, has had several long conference calls with me and one other spiritual leader and friend of Tribulation-Now.  This fellow’s name is Kenneth.  You see Kenneth was led to Tribulation-Now because he used to work with William Cooper, the author of Behold a Pale Horse.  Kenneth also has a Ph.D. in science.  Kenneth also is a Holy Spirit filled believer that knows his Bible better than most pastors I’ve met. 
And now Dr. Lee, Kenneth, and I are having 3 hour conference calls discovering the REAL meaning of the scripture.  The version that matches science perfectly.  Now don’t get weirded out just yet.  I can assure you that first and foremost both of these incredible people, while their understanding of science is WAY over my head, are 100% born-again spirit filled Jesus loving “Seek ye first the Kingdom” people.  And let me tell you, when they were talking I was MESMERIZED.  WOW.
How Much Don’t We Know?
First let me tell you that similar to John 21:25 where it says …
John 21:25
25 And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.
I cannot possibly remember or record all of the details of every supernatural coincidence that brought me to this point.  And if you take another look at that scripture, doesn’t it give you the impression that we have not heard THE WHOLE STORY?   Nevermind the scrolls that John had to eat in Revelation that would not be revealed until …. Hmmmm.  And wasn’t there a point where Daniel was told to keep quiet about certain things?  Why do you suppose that was?
Is it possilbe, even likely, that the information hidden away until the “end of times” was not given out because the people who lived prior to this UFO manifestation issue would have been utterly confused by it?  Could it be this information was not handed out because of prior generation’s ignorance in physics and dimensions, and the concepts of inter-galactic travel would have been “non-existent”?  Doesn’t God meet you at your point of faith?  Why is it we are told to be “child like” to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and our kids are playing with Star Wars Light Sabers?
Why, in the movie, “A Wonderful Life” is there an “angel” in the form of a kind hearted man who is trying to earn his wings?  What’s up with that?
“Teacher says that every time a bell rings, an Angel gets his wings”
Is this just fantansy?  Is it even remotely possible that GOD Himself puts his “fingerprint” into our movies right along side of the other “less savoury” stuff in our theaters?   Why do we always assume that everything is owned by the Devil and GOD has NO SAY in ANYTHING when it comes to movies and things we see in our media?  Are we looking for the devil or are we looking for GOD?  Maybe we need to adjust our “frame of reference”?
The Fallen Creator Confirmations
So hopefully by now, you have read part one of this series and understand that the exact same words used to describe “Sons of God” in Genesis 6:4 (in Greek) are the same words to describe US in the New Testament.  We are “vloi tov Oeov” or “Sons of God”.  Okay.
And also surely by now you understand that Jesus (probably out of fleshy frustration) said to the badgering Pharasees, “Have I not said YE are elohim?” (John 10:34).
I also recommend you get both the following books, “Angels, Elect and Evil” by C. Fred Dickason, and “The Lost Bible, Forgotten Scriptures Revealed”, by J.R. Porter.  You see, this last weekend I went on a quest to find some additional confirmations to all this “Sons of God” and “angel” confusion.
On page 28 of Angels, Elect and Evil, the author states “The word “sons” seems to indicate a direct creation of God, as Adam is the son of God (Luke 3:38), and believers are “recreated” in Christ individually as “sons of God”.  But did not Jesus say ” I have known you since the foundation of the WORLD??”  He sure did.  Hmmm.  Never mind that Satan himself is referred to as a Son of God in Job 1:6 and 2:1 (as one of the spirit classes mentioned).
Then on page 16 of “The Lost Bible, Forgotten Scriptures Revealed” it points out that “ever elusive” classification of Angels known as the Ophannim.  Never mind the “highly suspicious” mis-interpretation in Ezekiel One of the word “wheel” that should have been instead the word “Ophannim”.
Well if THAT doesn’t get you saying “WOW” than what about this?
On page 114 of Maximilliens de Lafayettes book entitled “UFOs, Aliens, Impregnated Women, Extraterrestrials, and God” it says (and I quote!)
The final extraterrestrial race to be examined due to their significance are the Arcturians who are described as once having seeded the Earth with their members and presumably peacefully coexisted with other races.  According to Andrews: “In antiquity this planet was divided into sectors among four different groups: Blonds, Grays, large lizard-like beings from the Capella system, and beings from the Arcturus system”. (see Genesis 2:11-15 “rivers are likely genetic bloodlines – Listen close here Jesus loving brothers and sisters).  Andrews goes on to describe the Arcturians as currently playing an “observer role” (does the word “watcher come to mind”?) in the current battle between extraterrestrial groups over Earth and her population.  Collier describes Arcturians as also being one of the races interacting with the Earth and that they are “trying to help”.
Time for a Bible verse:
Job 38:32
32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?
Wow.  There’s that “sons” reference again.  And guess what, it uses the same root word “baaneyhaa”.  Well what do you know about that?
And they are worried about us and they are trying to help us.  Are you kidding me?  Why in the world would some wacky “human looking” aliens feel sorry for us here on earth and want to help?  Could they be planning to help us?  Are they already helping us?  What might be their mission?  What could be their “motivation”?
Here is the Jesus filled version of the real Orion Wars story.  And you can take it or leave it.  But one thing is for sure, not a day goes by that I don’t get a call from someone flipping out because they found yet another set of Bible verses and scriptural paragraphs that confirm this “three ways to Sunday”.

The Orion Elohim Wars
Here is a synopsis of what happened.  It may not be accepted by many so I am spoon feeding it out and the Holy Spirit will have to take it from there.
Many of us have heard of the Luciferian Rebellion and the Orion Wars. Well they are for real. The Enuma Elish speaks of them. The Van Alan Belt is a result of a planet being destroyed during those wars.
God is doing the same thing today as he did all through the Bible as well as through Jesus’ ministry. God does not come down in a space ship and fly around with a megaphone announcing new prophecies. And yes there are lots of prophets that are out there saying all sorts of “stuff”.
They key to understanding if a prophet it tracking with the LORD includes 1) Does it TRACK with scriptural confirmation? 2) Does it make sense both spiritually and SCIENTIFICALLY (God created science .. “get it”?), and 3) Can you accept the new frame of reference and 4) Can you confirm the prophetic allegations through other sources, Books, Lectures, DVDs, others?
Then you take the “information” and research (Borean) the scripture for confirmations and you pray and praise a LOT!
Over the last 6 months, God has both “troubled me” with the Gen 1 vs. Gen 2 struggle, and THEN he “coincidently” sends me “stuff” that miraculously just comes either into my email or through a phone call etc. These are things that happen at the most unreal times that simply cannot be only coincidence. There are WAY too many of them and I often say balderdash and move on in disbelief.  And then it happens AGAIN.
Here goes.
God has a smorgasborg of life forms all throughout the galaxies. Our minds are too tiny to understand this because we are self centered beings (no surprise there). Our arrogance is so enormous it shatters the minds of the humble.
There are other “earth like planets” all over the place. There are all kinds of fascinating life forms. (Just like in Star Trek).  It’s George Lucas at his finest. That’s not science fiction, that’s science FACT. With out tiny arrogant minds, we ASSUME that we are “IT” while at he same time we hear stories of UFOs all over the place. We hear testimony of more than 58 different species of “aliens” the Military has documented from highly reputable sources. And we ALWAYS assume they must all be DEMONS because thats the easy way to explain it. I am guilty of this myself.  But that is “not necessarily” the case. The Universe is far to large. And GOD is far too fabulous. So how do you explain all this? Once you know the secret, its actually AMAZING.
Let’s start by examining the REAL interpretation of Genesis One verse One
“From aforetime, manifold ehlohim, had (past tense) created the expanse and its matter”
Manifold means “of many different kinds”. Elohim is plural and means “minor gods”. From aforetime means “before the Heavens and the Earth, as we know it today even existed. WOW.  There are millions of years (minimum) that occurred between the first two verses of Genesis (see the article entiteld “You Can’t Handle the Truth“)
God does not always create things directly. He has an entire trillion entity “workforce” that “seeds” the Universe with the power that HE gives them (search “seed” in Isaiah). This is precisely what the Baptism of Fire was. It was an endowment of power given to us to DO STUFF for God and not have to come to him for every little thing. This is how God operates. He “vests” power into his beings (sons) to work on behalf of the Godhead.
And the Heavenly beings (those that work for God directly), are known as Sons of God (or angels), and they have assignments. The Cherubim are the “Job Foremen”. They are the “Covering Angels”. The Seraphim are mostly assigned back office duties, book keeping, record keeping but get assigned other duties as well.
AND THEN there are the Ophannim.
The Ophannim are specialized “creator elohim” that are given “seeding powers” to create life forms all over the Universe. They travel in organized groups with missions. The Ophannim came to earth to “seed it” millions of years ago. LONG before Adam was created. But Lucifer, a covering Cherubim got into a position called the Morning Star (office, or group) and started to stick his nose into stuff that he had no business doing.
This resulted in a corruption of the “seeding” activities on a grand scale (think dinosaurs). The Ophannim, at the back office located in Arcturus, got wind that things were running a muck in the earth seeding project, and it started the ORION WARS.
The Orion Wars were actually Ophannim fighting Ophannim (ref. to Daniel fighting the Prince of Persia). Lucifer was heavily involved with the earth seeding Ophannim.
GOD GOT ANGRY. He was extremely upset that this war started. Michael the Arc Angel and his troops were sent out to put a stop to the War (see Rev 12:7). The War Ended.
The Seven Spirits of Revelation (which is reportedly the Supreme Court of the Universe), handed down the judgement. The Judgement was that the Ophannim elohim that started the war (the earth seeders), had to “enter the flesh” of the humans they were creating and live a life as a TEST to see if they were worthy to be ressurrected into the Heavens to “rule and reign” again with Jesus and go back to their pior positions.
This is WHY JESUS came down in the Flesh. It was a DNA Salvage and Rescue Mission. He WANTS his “elite team” of Ophannim BACK!! And he knows that Lucifer and his alien-demons are messing with our DNA, infecting us with Demons, and doing everything they can, to kill off the Ophannim that were willing to come back to God by “accepting the judgement” and taking on human form in the flesh.
The Ophannim that refused the judgement are aliens / demons / fallen angels. And yes they are working with Lucifer just as the Bible says.
We ARE Sons of God. Sons of God are all Gods’ Heavenly Front Office workers. Sons of God are everyone that works on behalf of the Almight Most High. Or, if you wish, you may call them Angels. Its another generic term used.
We are good Sons of God, that Jesus Knew before the foundation of the World. (predestination)
Post Script:
Right after Jonathan Kleck was saved, he didn’t know who Jesus was.  He asked God, who is Jesus, and what are you coming here to save us from?  Where are we going?
God replied to Jonathan and said in a still small voice …
“For re-seeding to re-poplulate”
Jonathan didn’t know what that meant at the time.
He does now.
Suffice it to say, that since this information has been passed along to us, particularly in the last couple days, Jonathan and I have both been in tears.  We know its true.  God has revealed it to us and it has been a heart wrenching emotional experience.
SEE: Souls, Sons, Elohim and Angels (Part Three) here:

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